Ginger garlic turkey stir fry bowls

 This meal was EASY, like you almost can’t get any easier than this easy! It also provided us with leftovers to use for our weekly *leftover* night, which is always a plus for me. This recipe is perfect for the nights you are running late and need to make something quick, or just don’t feel like putting in a ton of effort, but still want a healthy meal. Save it for a rainy day :)

What you will need: 

•1lb ground turkey 

•2 medium bags of frozen stir fry vegetables 

• 1 cup rice 

•minced garlic 

•ground/squeeze ginger 

1. Star cooking your rice (I used a rice cooker) 

2. Cook up your stir fry vegetables in a large skillet over medium heat 

3. Cook up your ground turkey in a separate skillet over medium heat 

4. Combine your cooked ground turkey with your heated stir fry vegetables in the large skillet 

5. Add 3 tbsp minced garlic 

6. Add 2 tbsp squeeze ginger 

7. Mix it all together thoroughly 

8. Serve on top of rice & enjoy! Told ya it was easy! 


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