Bacon spinach & tomato pasta with feta cheese

This is a savory and filling pasta dish that will not leave you disappointed. The sweet and tangy of the feta cheese and tomatoes, and the saltiness of the bacon compliment each other so well. I am a huge sweet and salty fan myself. If I eat ice cream I need pretzels or popcorn afterward, and if I eat something salty I need a couple chocolate chips to chase it. I'm not exaggerating either, I feel completely unfulfilled if I don't balance out my sweet and salty. I’m pretty sure my mom instilled that personality trait in me ha!
Back to the dinner, though, it was quick and easy and allowed me the freedom to walk away as needed to tend to my kids. I hope you enjoy!

What you will need: 

  • 1 case of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bag of spinach
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese
  • 1/2 pack of bacon or 6 slices cut into small pieces 
  • spaghetti noodles 
  • olive oil
  • butter 

1. cut up your cherry tomatoes and place them aside in a separate bowl.
2. heat olive oil in a skillet on medium heat
3. cut your 6 slices of bacon into small pieces and throw into the skillet

4. allow the slices of bacon to cook for 5 minutes before adding your cherry tomatoes

5. cook the tomatoes and bacon together for another 5 minutes before slowly adding your spinach.
* add a handful or two of spinach at a time and place a dollop of butter on top. Stir the spinach in until it cooks down enough  to add more. Repeat this until you've added the entire bag of spinach. '

6. Now is the time to boil your spaghetti! Grab two medium sized handfuls of pasta and boil in a pot of water.
7. Turn the heat down a little on your skillet and stir the mixture occasionally, allowing the bacon to crisp up a little more.

8. Remove skillet from heat after the pasta is done boiling, and stir in your feta cheese. 

9. Once the spaghetti is drained, add a tbsp of olive oil and stir it in so that the noodles do not stick together.
10. spoon the mixture from your skillet onto the spaghetti, stir, and serve! 


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